Why I explore WILDLIFE ?
My goal is to highlight the importance of preserving wildlife and its ecosystems, as they play a crucial role in the overall well-being of our planet. Through my art, I aim to inspire others to take action and make a positive impact, no matter how small their contributions may seem.
I decided to immerse myself further in the subject of wildlife after conducting extensive research on various pressing issues, particularly the environmental crisis. Biodiversity loss is a major concern as it disrupts ecosystems and poses significant challenges to the overall well-being of our planet. I discovered that in this pursuit, where many species thrive while unfortunately, several others are facing imminent extinction, there are far more on the brink of survival than I had initially thought. My interest in representing wildlife has significantly increased over the years through my engagement.
In 2011, I had the opportunity to organize a collective exhibition entitled "LES OISEAUX" (The birds). It was a memorable event that brought together 56 participants, half of whom were members of my Academy of Arts and the other half were professional artists from my region. The exhibition showcased remarkable artistic diversity with works such as drawings, paintings, prints, and sculptures. Each piece brought a unique and captivating expression, creating a beautiful ensemble that delighted the visitors. In partnership with the Réseau Biblio de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue et Nord-du-Québec, this traveling exhibition toured our region and the northern territory of Quebec for about three years. Its main goal was to raise awareness among the population about the diversity and vulnerability of our bird species, while showcasing local artistic talents.
This project sparked my interest in an aquatic bird species, the Red-necked Grebe. I discovered that the Red-necked Grebe successfully nests only in my hometown of Rouyn-Noranda during the summer, making it a special place in Quebec. Intrigued by this fact, I began observing the life of the Red-necked Grebe and reading about them for a few years. Inspired by my research, I created over 35 artworks depicting the life of the Red-necked Grebe, using various disciplines, mediums, and techniques. In 2014, I presented the exhibition "ICI, Le grèbe jougris " and published my book titled " Le Grèbe jougris." Over the years, I have continued to create other pieces featuring this fascinating aquatic bird.
In 2019-2020, I embarked on a new exhibition project focused on representing the wildlife of the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region with my students. Our goal was to showcase the richness and diversity of local flora and fauna. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exhibition "WILDLIFE OF ABITIBI-TÉMISCAMINGUE" was postponed until early spring 2022. However, once we were able to present it to the public, it was a great success. Seeing how much children and adults appreciated the artistic talent, the beauty, and natural treasures of our region after this long period of isolation was truly impressive.
During the pandemic, I found myself in my studio producing like never before. I dedicated myself to creating a body of work dedicated to North American wildlife, on which I had already begun working a few years ago. I unveiled this series in my solo exhibition titled "RESPECT, Northern Wildlife" in early 2022. The idea behind it all was extremely simple: to highlight the importance of these animals by giving them a timeless appearance, as if they were posing for a portrait. Over twelve North American species were represented, much to the delight of the audience. This theme resonates deeply within me and continues to inspire new creations in my studio.
I am convinced of the profound impact that each individual can have on our world, regardless of the smallness of their contributions. We all have the power to make a difference.

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / ESPRIT DU NORD Huile sur panneau de bois 12'' x 12'' superposé sur panneau de bois, peint noir acrylique. 16'' x 16''. 2019 -------------------- WILFLIFE SERIE / SPIRIT OF THE NORTH Oil on wooden panel 12'' x 12'' superimposed on a second wood panel painted in black acrylic. 16'' x 16''. 2019

VENDUE /disponible en Giclée SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / FRANC TIREUR Acrylique sur panneau de bois. 12'' x 16'' 2016 Disponible en Giclée sur toile, édition limitée et signé par l'ariste. -------------------- WILDLIFE SERIE / THE INDEPENDENT Acrylic on wooden panel 12'' x 16''. 2016 Available in Giclée on canvas, limited edition and signed by the artist.

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / GRIZZLY I Huile sur panneau de bois. 12'' x 12'' -------------------- WILDLIFE SERIE / GRIZZLY I Oil on wooden panel 12'' x 12''. 2019

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / HERCULÉEN Boeuf musqué du nord du Canada. Huile sur alupanel 48'' x 48'' 2022 ------------------------- WILDLIFE SERIE / HERCULEAN Wild ox from the north of Canada. Oil on alupanel 48'' x 48'' 2022

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / LA NOBLESSE Acrylique sur toile. 12'' x 12'' -------------------- WILDLIFE SERIE / THE NOBILITY Acrylique on wooden panel 12'' x 12''. 2019

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / LE MAJESTUEUX Orignal du Canada Huile sur toile 40" x 40" 2019 Disponible en Giclée et signé par l'artiste. ----------------- WILDLIFE SERIE / THE MAJESTIC Canadian moose. Oil on canvas 2019 Available in Giclée and signed by the artist.

VENDUE / disponible en Giclée SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / LE PROTECTEUR Aquarelle sur papier Yupo, marouflé sur panneau de bois. 20" x 20 '' Disponible en Giclée sur toile, édition limitée et signé par l'artiste. ------------------------- Original SOLD / available in Giclée. WILDLIFE SERIE / THE PROTECTOR Watercolor on Yupo paper and pasted on wooden panel. 20" x 20 '' 2017 Available in Giclée on canvas, limited edition and signed by the artist.

VENDUE / disponible en Giclée SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / SA MAJESTÉ Mouflon d'Amérique Huile sur alupanel 48'' x 48'' 2020-2021 Disponible en Giclée ------------------------- Sold / available in Giclée WILDLIFE SERIE / HER MAJESTY Big horn sheep from West Canada. Oil on alupanel 48'' x 48'' 2020-2021

VENDUE / disponible en Giclée. SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / OOKPIK Création digitale avec feuille d'or, marouflée sur panneau de bois 30" x 15 '' 2018-2022 Disponible en Giclée et signé par l'artiste. ------------------------- Original SOLD / Available in Giclée. WILDLIFE SERIE / OOKPIK Available in Giclée and signed by the artist. 2022

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE GRAND HÉRON Aquarelle sur papier Yupo. 26" x 20'' ------------------------- WILDLIFE SERIE GREAT HERON Watercolor on Yupo paper. 26" x 20 ''

VENDUE. Disponible en Giclée sur toile ou papier, édition limitée. SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE Aquarelle sur papier Yupo 20" x 24 '' ---------------------- Sold WILDLIFE SERIE GREAT BLUE HERON I Watercolor on Yupo paper 20" x 24 ''

VENDUE /SOLD OUT SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / L'INDÉPENDANT Création digitale imprimée sur papier Epson "Hot press bright" marouflé sur panneau de bois. Édition limitée 1/3, 2/3,3/3 VENDUE 5'' x 7'' 2022 --------------------------- WILDLIFE SERIE / THE INDEPENDANT Digital creation printed on Epson "Hot press bright" paper and and pasted on wooden panel. Limited edition 1/3,2/3,3/3 SOLD OUT 5'' x 7'' 2022

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE Création digitale sur toile, sur Aluminium ou sur papier. Grandeurs variées disponibles. Édition limitée. ----------------- WILDLIFE SERIE Thoughful successor Digital creation.

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / RELÈVE SONGEUSE Création digitale imprimée sur papier Epson "Hot press bright" marouflé sur panneau de bois. Édition limitée 1/3 6'' x 8'' 2022 --------------------------- WILDLIFE SERIE / IDEALIST FOLLOWER Digital creation printed on Epson "Hot press bright" paper and and pasted on wooden panel. Limited edition 1/3 6'' x 8'' 2022

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / LES INSÉPARABLES Création digitale imprimée sur papier Epson "Hot press bright" marouflé sur panneau de bois. Édition limitée 1/3 7'' x 5'' 2022 --------------------------- WILDLIFE SERIE / LES INSÉPARABLES Digital creation printed on Epson "Hot press bright" paper and and pasted on wooden panel. Limited edition 1/3 7'' x 5'' 2022

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / LE GARDIEN Création digitale imprimée sur papier Epson "Hot press bright" marouflé sur panneau de bois. Édition limitée 1/3 8'' x 8'' 2022 --------------------------- WILDLIFE SERIE / THE GUARDIAN Digital creation printed on Epson "Hot press bright" paper and and pasted on wooden panel. Limited edition 1/3 8'' x 8'' 2022

SÉRIE SUR LA FAUNE / SA MAJESTÉ mouflon de l'ouest du Canada. Création digitale imprimée sur papier Epson "Hot press bright" marouflé sur panneau de bois. Édition limitée 1/3 8'' x 8'' 2022 --------------------------- WILDLIFE SERIE / HER MAJESTY Big horn sheep from West of Canada Digital creation printed on Epson "Hot press bright" paper and and pasted on wooden panel. Limited edition 1/3 8'' x 8'' 2022

LIVRE Étude du grèbe jougris Rouyn-Noranda $25 chaque --------------- BOOK Study of the red necked grebe Rouyn-Noranda $25 each
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